Monday, March 10, 2025

Machines producing fresh air in large cities

When we are in nature among the trees, in waterfalls, lakes and running water, we feel a freshness in the air we breathe that we do not feel at home or at work. This feeling is due to the purity of the air and the complete lack of pollutants, germs and suspended particles. The purity of air in nature is due to the ionization of air molecules.

Atmospheric cleaning machines with ionization

As mentioned above the clean atmosphere is due to the ionization of air molecules. Engines essentially offer this ability by ionizing the atmosphere. To understand exactly how ionization takes place, we describe ions below.

What are ions?

Ions are called molecules and particles that are electrically charged (positive or negative). The charge of molecules is due to the excess of electrons (negatively charged particle = negative ions = anions) or to the lack of electrons (positively charged particles = positive ions = cations). Ions retain the basic properties of the molecules from which they originated, but behave differently due to their electrical charge.

Air purification with ionizer

In their natural state, pollutants (smoke, dust, germs, etc.) are positively charged, so they are positive ions. An ionizer is an electrical device that negatively charges air molecules, that is, it creates negative ion molecules in the air. It is known from physics that heteronymous electric charges are attracted. Thus, the negatively charged air molecules attract the positively charged particles of the pollutants, bind to them electrically, which results in the formation of larger solid particles, which due to their increased weight can no longer float in the air, but fall down, from where they can be removed by the usual cleaning methods.

Benefits of using ionizer

The ionizer cleans the air of all solid particles as explained above, which has a beneficial effect on the health of people suffering from asthma and other diseases of the respiratory system, as well as people who are prone to allergies (which are due to a large degree in suspended air particles).

Air purifier in Centre of Athens, Greece

Reduction or elimination of coronavirus transmission

As we understand it can be one of the solutions to reduce or eliminate the coronary and its transmission. It has not been determined to what extent the air purifier can benefit especially in public places but it is certainly a serious research topic for the near future.

Ionizer and air conditioners

The conditions inside the air conditioners (increased humidity and accumulated pollutants that settle in various parts of the air conditioner – filters, element, fan fins, etc.) favour the growth of microorganisms and microbes that have a negative impact on our health. The ionization function in air conditioners helps to remove pollutants from the air without them settling inside the air conditioner filters.

Apart from the highest degree of efficiency and the lowest noise level, one of the most essential differences of a good air conditioner compared to a cheap model is the quality of its filters and the degree of purification of the air in the room.

The air we breathe in an air-conditioned space is constantly recycled through the air conditioner fan and for this reason it is important to be free of germs, bacteria and allergenic particles that otherwise we would be constantly breathing. The ionizer naturally neutralizes these particles and provides us with air of high purity that offers us a pleasant feeling of freshness and relieves us of the annoying effects of poor indoor air quality.

Technology application nowadays

A 4-engine installation has already been installed in the center of Athens, which as mentioned will be equivalent to 30 trees. In fact, Dutch “Pamares” filters have been used, which are placed on poles and have the ability to bind suspended microparticles, i.e., filtering air, and therefore air pollutants, with the aim of reducing them.

Courtesy of Static Air, Pamares

Operations of the Pamares

Pamares reduces fine dust in the immediate environment. The Pamares contain crown cables to which there is a positive high voltage applied. Operates on direct current with low intensity. The fine dust in the environment of the Pamares is ionized by charge of the crown cables and is attracted to a grounded frame in Pamares. Due to the operation of the crown, an electric wind is generated by the crown cable on the ground. This electric wind ensures that fine dust is attracted and deposited on the grounded frame without the use of ventilation.

Dimitris Kallimanis
Dimitris Kallimanis
My name is Dimitris Kallimanis. I have been working as a Risk Consultant at Deloitte Cyber ​​Security since 2019. I have a master's degree in computer security systems. I'm interested in any new technologies such as Cryptography, Cryptography Algorithms, Machine Learning, Identity Access Management, Cloud Security, Cyber ​​Security, Penetration Testing, Malware Analysis. I like to travel and I have visited 25 countries improving and opening my mind. For the last three years I have been working in three different countries and it was the one of the most interesting steps in my life!

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